In a Forbes interview, Mary Hansan of the Paper & Packaging Board highlights the many challenges that sustainability and brand strategists face.
According to Hansan, fusing sustainability and brand purpose requires tackling myths around the brand.
The first myth she points out is the widespread notion that paper and paper products contribute to deforestation in the United States.
“Deforestation isn’t happening in America. Here, trees are being tapped as a renewable resource in their own right and being continuously replenished,” she explained.
Living a sustainable life, says Hansan, isn’t about buying less or doing without. Rather, it’s about what you buy.
“It’s the message you are sending up the supply chain by choosing a renewable, plant-based resource like paper over other materials that may have less circular and might end up in the oceans and landfills,” she added.
How are you embracing sustainability and brand purpose in your organization?